Dwindling Fire

Detailed page: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-31/… (opens in a new tab)

Programming: Riko Ophorst & myself
Art: Rens Verspagen

The second Ludum Dare, we were quite confident we would be able to reproduce and improve the results from last time. We mostly did and even got a whopping 17th spot in graphics!

I was mainly responsible for creating visual effects again, like the weather. This was also the first time we used Snuffbox to create a public game. At this point I was implementing render targets and using them for the first time ever. We actually applied those for the day & night cycle in the game. Furthermore I thoroughly attempted to polish the player movement, which turned out okay.

Also! Here is a fun little time-lapse we recorded during the development of Dwindling Fire.


Rank Category Score
#17 Graphics 4.63
#54 Audio 3.92
#58 Overall 3.93
#65 Mood 3.85
#182 Fun 3.50
#285 Theme 3.78
#315 Innovation 3.33
#505 Humor 2.59