
Website: http://www.godhoodgame.com/

During my second internship at Abbey Games I participated in the creation of a religious god-game: Godhood.


My main responsibility was to provide visual feedback for in-game moments and working tightly together with both artists and animators to generate a lot of visual fidelity in the game. As the game runs within a simulation, one of the key elements of that was improving the atmosphere and giving it a lot of variation. Giving you both a place in the world of Godhood and improving the general shareability of the game.

Furthermore this was the first time I was in a project that tightly worked together with the community with alpha/beta testing to do fast iterations on the game and get the best possible results.

Key features


Godhood’s Kickstarter Campaign (backed for €54,376!)
Abbey Games’ YouTube channel (with quite some Godhood content)
Godhood’s Steam Page