
What is it?

Snuffbox is my very own engine that runs in C++, first interpreting Google Chrome’s V8, but due to build issues moved to duktape. This grants the ability to use JavaScript to script your games with. The engine renders everything using DirectX 11 and has a decent list of features. You can create full fetched games with it, including visual effects, audio and user interfaces.

Some of my personal games are made in Snuffbox, this way I can also find out if I’m missing any functionality within the engine and add those accordingly.


Currently I’m upgrading Snuffbox to be a bit more user friendly, cross-platform, multi-threaded and use both DirectX and OpenGL.


The reason I want to link every revision is to also show my progress curve with the engine itself. It’s a good representation of my learning experiences during my studies or external projects.

Initial version: snuffbox (V8)
CMake refactor: snuffbox-cmake (V8)
Complete refactor: snuffbox-mantis (V8)
Working version: snuffbox-hydra (duktape)

Please note this article is mainly about the first two revisions. The rework is still very much in progress. snuffbox-mantis is actually the first version running on Linux. snuffbox-hydra is the version I’m working on currently.