
Detailed page: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/41/typerider (opens in a new tab)

Programming: Riko Ophorst & myself
Art: Jos van Gils (no Rens this time.. ): )

Typerider was probably our best entry so far. We have joined streamers playing our game, who seemed to thoroughly enjoy it for an upwards of 20 minutes! (clip here)

This is the first time we focussed way more on design and keeping things simple, which really paid off in the end.

I was mostly responsible for the physics of the character and a lot of the visual effects. This includes the explosion when the player gets terminated, the shooting, the dust particles, the electricity and the little torches with lens flares. Lastly I did a lot of the — albeit artificially difficult — level design.

Results (new ranking system)

Rank Category Score
#93 Overall 4.03
#233 Fun 3.72
#67 Innovation 4.11
#108 Theme 4.24
#108 Graphics 4.33
#192 Mood 3.78